Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Rehearsal Night For "Night of Excellence" -"精彩之夜“彩排
It is just another five more days to go before we gather for "Night of Excellence"!
Few MAFs came last night to rehearse for the items they are going to present. It was pretty touching to see the good efforts that they put in to glorify our God!
Specially to be noted here are Terrence Tan and James Lau for their technical support.
The rehearsal was smooth-running without much hiccup. Praise Lord for that.
Please set your evening on Sept. 4 aside for this event. Let's congregate to praise and give glorification to God!
The above pictures show (from top down) :
1. Terrence Tan, James Lau and their team members posing for a shot at my request.
2. The team was caught in action.
3. MAF of Wang Ming Methodist Church dancing with fans to praise God!
4. MAF of Selangau Preaching Centre giving a song item.
5,6,7. MAF of Shiung Eng Methodist Church putting in great efforts to show their love for God!
8. MAF of Wesley Methodist Church presenting a dance item.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I Cooked The Homely Style
It was years ago when I was in Australia when I put up with uni mates during long summer vacation that I shared cooking. Ever since I came back, I have not set my hands to some homecooking.
This afternoon I told Yian to let me prepare the dinner for the family. She was more than happy to try out my homecooking.
When I set my hands to the wok, my memories flew back to the days when I was in Monash University taking turns with flat mates to cook.
With Yian by my side, I came out with Chicken With Oyster Sauce and Stir-fried Bean Sprouts. Together with Spare Ribs Carrot Soup and Fruit Platter, we had a simple but nourishing meal in a very homely atmosphere.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Chicken Cornish
Yian came out with her secret recipe for chicken cornish to pamper our appetite this evening. Wow! The taste was superb!
The homemade chicken cornish is more of western taste. The golden brown puff pastry with filling of onion, mashed sweet potato and pumpkin, diced potato, cheese, chicken, western herbs, ground black pepper, olive oil, etc make the taste irresistibly good.
Each chicken cornish weighed approximately 300 grams and it really made a heavy meal!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Premier Hotel , Sibu - Booking Goes Online Now!
Premier Hotel has just launched online booking. With this, booking for rooms is just a click away now!
Simply log in www.premierh.com.my to make your desired reservation!
Countdown To Night Of Excellence (精彩之夜)
日期 : 2010年9月4日(星期六) 时间:700PM
地点 : 福源堂
讲员 : 黄开和教区长
领会 : 邓惟通
司琴 : 黄敏慧
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
宣召 : 诗篇133:1
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
祷告 : 张道昌
致欢迎词 : 许道敏主席
(一)合唱 : 最知心的朋友 实兰沟布道处
(二)唱游 : 我们爱让世界不一样 卫斯理堂
(三)唱游 : 神是我们的避难所 道安堂
(四)短剧 : 最大的事 福源堂
(五)舞蹈(内蒙古族) : 青青草原上 宣恩堂
信息 : 黄开和教区长
(六)小组合唱 : 十字架的爱 新福源堂
(七)唱游 : 满有能力 平安堂
(八)相声 : 如此祷告 怀安堂
(九)赞美操 : 普天下当向耶和华欢呼 爱民堂
(十)短剧 : 再循环 圣道堂
奉献 : 一同来作工
(十一)唱游 : 耶和华神已掌权 新安堂
(十二)短剧 : 相亲 锡安堂
(十三)舞蹈 : 爱的印记 再恩堂
(十四)扇子舞 : 我和我的家 万民堂
(十五)舞蹈 : 义人的福 宣道堂
(十六)短剧 : 浪子回头 天恩堂
(十七)舞蹈(山地族+ : 激起生命的浪花 宣恩堂
结束诗歌 : 耶和华祝福满满
祝福 : 黄开和教区长
Time is truly flying! It was not too long ago that we sat down to plan and now we are ready to give countdown to "Night of Excellence".
Praise Lord that with His guidance, the going has been smooth. The organising work is almost completed and we are ready to call start!
See you at The Masland Methodist Church on Sept. 4, Saturday at 7:00pm.
日期 : 2010年9月4日(星期六) 时间:700PM
地点 : 福源堂
讲员 : 黄开和教区长
领会 : 邓惟通
司琴 : 黄敏慧
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
宣召 : 诗篇133:1
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
祷告 : 张道昌
致欢迎词 : 许道敏主席
(一)合唱 : 最知心的朋友 实兰沟布道处
(二)唱游 : 我们爱让世界不一样 卫斯理堂
(三)唱游 : 神是我们的避难所 道安堂
(四)短剧 : 最大的事 福源堂
(五)舞蹈(内蒙古族) : 青青草原上 宣恩堂
信息 : 黄开和教区长
(六)小组合唱 : 十字架的爱 新福源堂
(七)唱游 : 满有能力 平安堂
(八)相声 : 如此祷告 怀安堂
(九)赞美操 : 普天下当向耶和华欢呼 爱民堂
(十)短剧 : 再循环 圣道堂
奉献 : 一同来作工
(十一)唱游 : 耶和华神已掌权 新安堂
(十二)短剧 : 相亲 锡安堂
(十三)舞蹈 : 爱的印记 再恩堂
(十四)扇子舞 : 我和我的家 万民堂
(十五)舞蹈 : 义人的福 宣道堂
(十六)短剧 : 浪子回头 天恩堂
(十七)舞蹈(山地族+ : 激起生命的浪花 宣恩堂
结束诗歌 : 耶和华祝福满满
祝福 : 黄开和教区长
Time is truly flying! It was not too long ago that we sat down to plan and now we are ready to give countdown to "Night of Excellence".
Praise Lord that with His guidance, the going has been smooth. The organising work is almost completed and we are ready to call start!
See you at The Masland Methodist Church on Sept. 4, Saturday at 7:00pm.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Crying Sibu
Half of Sibu is in water again!
And it makes the call for an effective flood mitigation project more urgent!
Sibu needs not only listening ears, but also action politicians with commitment!
The above pictures were taken from the rooftop of Premier Hotel. Meng Lei and Liong were caught in action!
Sibu In Water-From The Rooftop of Premier Hotel
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sibu Hit By Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
Ten years ago numerous Get-Rich-Quick schemes swept all over Malaysia. Sibu apparently was the hardest-hit town with countless of wealth-seekers being sweet-talked into investing in the pyramid schemes.
The hit started in 1999 and lasted for about two years. I encountered one scene when streams of keen investors queued up at five-foot-way with piles of hard cash waiting for their turns to dump in money to get the promised "easy, quick and high" returns. I was totally shocked by the euphoria of the crowd.
Quite a lot of people came up to me for advice, including some church leaders. I told them outright: Economically speaking, the schemes are not logical at all!
The pictures were taken during BCF 2010.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"Night of Excellence" Programme Is Finalised - ” 精彩之夜“ 秩序表
日期 : 2010年9月4日(星期六) 时间:700PM
地点 : 福源堂
讲员 : 黄开和教区长
领会 : 邓惟通
司琴 : 罗小玲
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
宣召 : 诗篇133:1
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
祷告 : 张道昌
致欢迎词 : 许道敏主席
(一)合唱 : 最知心朋友 实兰沟布道处
(二)唱游 : 我们爱(让世界不一样) 卫斯理堂
(三)唱游 : 神是我们的避难所 道安堂
(四)短剧 : 最大的事 福源堂
(五)舞蹈(内蒙古族) : 青青草原上 宣恩堂
信息 : 黄开和教区长
(六)小组合唱 : 十字架的爱 新福源堂
(七)唱游 : 满有能力 平安堂
(八)相声 : 如此祷告 怀安堂
(九)赞美操 : 普天下当向耶和华欢呼 爱民堂
(十)短剧 : 出淤泥而不染? 圣道堂
奉献 : 一同来作工
(十一)唱游 : 耶和华神已掌权 新安堂
(十二)短剧 : 相亲 锡安堂
(十三)舞蹈 : 爱的印记 再恩堂
(十四)扇子舞 : 我和我的家 万民堂
(十五)舞蹈 : 义人的福 宣道堂
(十六)短剧 : 浪子回头 天恩堂
(十七)舞蹈(山地族+ : 激起生命的浪花 宣恩堂
结束诗歌 : 耶和华祝福满满
祝福 : 黄开和教区长
日期 : 2010年9月4日(星期六) 时间:700PM
地点 : 福源堂
讲员 : 黄开和教区长
领会 : 邓惟通
司琴 : 罗小玲
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
宣召 : 诗篇133:1
敬拜赞美 : 圣道堂
祷告 : 张道昌
致欢迎词 : 许道敏主席
(一)合唱 : 最知心朋友 实兰沟布道处
(二)唱游 : 我们爱(让世界不一样) 卫斯理堂
(三)唱游 : 神是我们的避难所 道安堂
(四)短剧 : 最大的事 福源堂
(五)舞蹈(内蒙古族) : 青青草原上 宣恩堂
信息 : 黄开和教区长
(六)小组合唱 : 十字架的爱 新福源堂
(七)唱游 : 满有能力 平安堂
(八)相声 : 如此祷告 怀安堂
(九)赞美操 : 普天下当向耶和华欢呼 爱民堂
(十)短剧 : 出淤泥而不染? 圣道堂
奉献 : 一同来作工
(十一)唱游 : 耶和华神已掌权 新安堂
(十二)短剧 : 相亲 锡安堂
(十三)舞蹈 : 爱的印记 再恩堂
(十四)扇子舞 : 我和我的家 万民堂
(十五)舞蹈 : 义人的福 宣道堂
(十六)短剧 : 浪子回头 天恩堂
(十七)舞蹈(山地族+ : 激起生命的浪花 宣恩堂
结束诗歌 : 耶和华祝福满满
祝福 : 黄开和教区长
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Frequently Asked Questions About Get-Rich Quick Schemes
Frequently Asked Questions on "Get-Rich-Quick" Scheme
What is a "Get-Rich-Quick" scheme?
How To Spot The Scams?
How To Protect Yourself From The Scams?
What You Should Do If You Are a Victim of the Scams
What is a "Get-Rich-Quick" scheme? A plan which offers high or unrealistic rates of return for a small investment while at the same time promising that such investment is easy and risk -free. The following "Get-Rich-Quick" schemes are prohibited under the legislation administered by Bank Negara Malaysia :
Illegal Deposit Taking Activities Illegal deposit taking is an act of receiving, taking or accepting of deposits (moneys, precious metal, precious stone, any other article etc.) from members of the public that promises a repayment with interest or returns in money or money's worth without a valid licence under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).
Illegal Foreign Currency Dealings The following acts tantamount to illegal foreign currency dealings:
Buying or selling of foreign currency by a person who is not an authorized dealer unless such person has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA).
Buying or selling of foreign currency by a resident who is not an authorised dealer, with a person outside Malaysia except if the resident has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA.
CAUTION: Internet Investment Schemes
Members of the public are cautioned to be on guard against some investment schemes promoted on the internet as these schemes are not licensed or authorized by Bank Negara Malaysia to accept deposits or deal in foreign currency. Such schemes often come in the guise of attractive investment returns or opportunities involving unrealistic rates of returns with zero to low risk.
Investors are reminded that they should only place deposits with institutions licensed or deal in foreign currency with institutions authorised by the Bank. Unlicensed operators may cease operating their business resulting in the investors with no means to recover their investments or seek redress against the persons connected with the scheme.
How To Spot The Scams?
Illegal deposit taking scam
The person (an individual, a company or an organisation) receives, takes or accepts deposits from members of the public and is not licensed under section 6(4) of the BAFIA;
The person promises to repay the deposit, with or without interest or returns, over a period of time in the form of money or money's worth, etc.; and
The person promises to repay the initial deposit upon demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the person making the payment and the person receiving it, with any consideration in money or money's worth (the repayment of initial deposit is sometimes included in the fixed interest or returns promised).
Warning Signs for Investors
• Illegal deposit taking activities have been disguised and camouflaged in various forms to deceive the public to fall victim to the investment scams, by giving valuable goods as part of the promised returns and camouflaging the deposits as loans to the company;
• Illegal deposit taking activities appear to be able to provide high or unrealistic rates of interest or return over a short period of time as compared to licensed institutions. However, these schemes will not last long;
• The survival of this scheme is dependent upon the recruitment of new depositors, i.e., new funds obtained will be used in paying dividends to the existing depositors. Therefore , the scheme will fail when there is no contribution of funds from new depositors; and
• Initially the depositors may be paid their promised returns. However, the operator would eventually abscond with the moneys collected when he feels that the scheme is about to fail, thus leaving the depositors at the losing end.
Illegal foreign currency scam
Foreign currency dealings with a person, other than an authorized dealer, who has not obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA, often:
Offer investors or members of the public the opportunity to deal in foreign currencies with a principal company (purported to have a valid licence to trade foreign currencies overseas);
Facilitate the trading of foreign currencies by providing access to the principal company's website and trading facilities via internet;
Recruit fresh graduates as marketing executives and allure them to get their family members to invest;
Instruct the investors to deposit the investment moneys into either the principal company's bank account or a third party bank account; and
Induce the investors to top up their investment ("margin call") or otherwise risk losing their investment.
Warning Signs For Investors
Illegal operators of foreign currency scams will try to entice potential investors with a marketing strategy which promises quick and high returns - • By projecting a professional and reputable image with smart-looking employees, a high-tech office layout and advanced IT facilities where investors are induced to operate their accounts via the internet;
• With tools of the trade, e.g., a news screen showing movements in exchange rates, to give the impression that a professional and legitimate business is being conducted; and
• A business contract is usually entered into between the investors and the company. Such contracts are usually left unsigned by the company. This means no action can be taken by the investors against the company as there is no binding written contract.
How To Protect Yourself From The Scams?
Remember the golden rule - if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably a lie;
Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorized dealers;
Check with the relevant authority before investing;
Don't be pressured or rushed to invest;
Be extra careful with investments over the internet;
Be skeptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing; and
In case an investment has been made, keep copies of all the investment and communications.
What Should You Do If You Are a Victim of such Scams? If you have any information pertaining to illegal deposit taking activities or illegal foreign currency dealings or are a victim of such activities or scams you can send details of such information or complaint together with the documents to Bank Negara Malaysia as follows:
Address:Unit Penyiasatan Khas Bank Negara MalaysiaJalan Dato' Onn 50480 Kuala Lumpur Fax: 03-26987467 E-mail: upkinfo@bnm.gov.my
We can also be contacted at the following telephone numbers:
Tel.: 03-2691 5090 / 2698 4163 / 2691 0824 / 2692 6482 / 2694 2143
What is a "Get-Rich-Quick" scheme?
How To Spot The Scams?
How To Protect Yourself From The Scams?
What You Should Do If You Are a Victim of the Scams
What is a "Get-Rich-Quick" scheme? A plan which offers high or unrealistic rates of return for a small investment while at the same time promising that such investment is easy and risk -free. The following "Get-Rich-Quick" schemes are prohibited under the legislation administered by Bank Negara Malaysia :
Illegal Deposit Taking Activities Illegal deposit taking is an act of receiving, taking or accepting of deposits (moneys, precious metal, precious stone, any other article etc.) from members of the public that promises a repayment with interest or returns in money or money's worth without a valid licence under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).
Illegal Foreign Currency Dealings The following acts tantamount to illegal foreign currency dealings:
Buying or selling of foreign currency by a person who is not an authorized dealer unless such person has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA).
Buying or selling of foreign currency by a resident who is not an authorised dealer, with a person outside Malaysia except if the resident has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA.
CAUTION: Internet Investment Schemes
Members of the public are cautioned to be on guard against some investment schemes promoted on the internet as these schemes are not licensed or authorized by Bank Negara Malaysia to accept deposits or deal in foreign currency. Such schemes often come in the guise of attractive investment returns or opportunities involving unrealistic rates of returns with zero to low risk.
Investors are reminded that they should only place deposits with institutions licensed or deal in foreign currency with institutions authorised by the Bank. Unlicensed operators may cease operating their business resulting in the investors with no means to recover their investments or seek redress against the persons connected with the scheme.
How To Spot The Scams?
Illegal deposit taking scam
The person (an individual, a company or an organisation) receives, takes or accepts deposits from members of the public and is not licensed under section 6(4) of the BAFIA;
The person promises to repay the deposit, with or without interest or returns, over a period of time in the form of money or money's worth, etc.; and
The person promises to repay the initial deposit upon demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the person making the payment and the person receiving it, with any consideration in money or money's worth (the repayment of initial deposit is sometimes included in the fixed interest or returns promised).
Warning Signs for Investors
• Illegal deposit taking activities have been disguised and camouflaged in various forms to deceive the public to fall victim to the investment scams, by giving valuable goods as part of the promised returns and camouflaging the deposits as loans to the company;
• Illegal deposit taking activities appear to be able to provide high or unrealistic rates of interest or return over a short period of time as compared to licensed institutions. However, these schemes will not last long;
• The survival of this scheme is dependent upon the recruitment of new depositors, i.e., new funds obtained will be used in paying dividends to the existing depositors. Therefore , the scheme will fail when there is no contribution of funds from new depositors; and
• Initially the depositors may be paid their promised returns. However, the operator would eventually abscond with the moneys collected when he feels that the scheme is about to fail, thus leaving the depositors at the losing end.
Illegal foreign currency scam
Foreign currency dealings with a person, other than an authorized dealer, who has not obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA, often:
Offer investors or members of the public the opportunity to deal in foreign currencies with a principal company (purported to have a valid licence to trade foreign currencies overseas);
Facilitate the trading of foreign currencies by providing access to the principal company's website and trading facilities via internet;
Recruit fresh graduates as marketing executives and allure them to get their family members to invest;
Instruct the investors to deposit the investment moneys into either the principal company's bank account or a third party bank account; and
Induce the investors to top up their investment ("margin call") or otherwise risk losing their investment.
Warning Signs For Investors
Illegal operators of foreign currency scams will try to entice potential investors with a marketing strategy which promises quick and high returns - • By projecting a professional and reputable image with smart-looking employees, a high-tech office layout and advanced IT facilities where investors are induced to operate their accounts via the internet;
• With tools of the trade, e.g., a news screen showing movements in exchange rates, to give the impression that a professional and legitimate business is being conducted; and
• A business contract is usually entered into between the investors and the company. Such contracts are usually left unsigned by the company. This means no action can be taken by the investors against the company as there is no binding written contract.
How To Protect Yourself From The Scams?
Remember the golden rule - if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably a lie;
Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorized dealers;
Check with the relevant authority before investing;
Don't be pressured or rushed to invest;
Be extra careful with investments over the internet;
Be skeptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing; and
In case an investment has been made, keep copies of all the investment and communications.
What Should You Do If You Are a Victim of such Scams? If you have any information pertaining to illegal deposit taking activities or illegal foreign currency dealings or are a victim of such activities or scams you can send details of such information or complaint together with the documents to Bank Negara Malaysia as follows:
Address:Unit Penyiasatan Khas Bank Negara MalaysiaJalan Dato' Onn 50480 Kuala Lumpur Fax: 03-26987467 E-mail: upkinfo@bnm.gov.my
We can also be contacted at the following telephone numbers:
Tel.: 03-2691 5090 / 2698 4163 / 2691 0824 / 2692 6482 / 2694 2143
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How To Spot A Get Rich Quick Scheme ( 快速致富)
How to Spot a Get Rich Quick Scheme
There is one simple rule to spotting get rich quick scams, no matter whether they are sales oriented, money investing, or other things. That is, the proposal seems too good to be real. Believe your instincts, because they are right.Take this case for example at CBS News:
An infomercial huckster was promising that if you sold just 20 bottles of his vitamins, they'd send you $1,000. What they didn't say, is they were actually selling you a website for your initial fee, from which you would then have to promote and sell the vitamins. And then they would charge you for various incidentals to increase your traffic, none of which are guaranteed to get results. There was no thousand dollars just for selling 20 bottles of vitamins, because few of his members sold that many.How about the ones that claim they can drive traffic to your website so you too can make $5 million dollars a month, like XYZ.com (or any website they bring out of thin air)? Often, when you see claims like that, the named site may have no idea they are being used in a scam. Or else, it belongs to the same person trying to sell you search engine rankings. Basically all you will get is your name submitted to a list of search engines, with no guarantee of traffic. And even the biggest search engines, like Google & Yahoo, already tell you search engine submission is not necessary. So prevalent is the boom in these schemes that the FTC mounted a massive, worldwide sweep of Internet sites in coordination with other countries and organizations, to identify and charge, if possible, the organizers.For some good information on current and past scams, and how to spot or deal with them, visit these sites below:http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/rich.htm
Even just those two examples, barely scratch the surface. Even though it's cliche, remember this:
"If It's Too Good to be True...It Is."
Recommendations for Making Money Legitimately Online
Always, remember if you want to make money online, it's going to take some hard work and dedication. If you would like to learn more about starting a legitimate online business, claim your free Make Your Site Sell Ebook and Dr. Ken Evoy will walk you through the steps to building a legitimate online business.
But What if You Need Money Now?
Many people try to find income opportunities online because they need to earn money quickly. They don't really have the time to build a business or wait for results.
Other people just don't want to start an online business and don't feel their cut out for business ownership. That is completely understandable, and there plenty of legitimate ways to earn an income from home - you just have to make your own opportunities. For help finding legitimate and good paying work online, please read the article entitled But I Need to Make Money Now: How to Work from Home.
There is one simple rule to spotting get rich quick scams, no matter whether they are sales oriented, money investing, or other things. That is, the proposal seems too good to be real. Believe your instincts, because they are right.Take this case for example at CBS News:
An infomercial huckster was promising that if you sold just 20 bottles of his vitamins, they'd send you $1,000. What they didn't say, is they were actually selling you a website for your initial fee, from which you would then have to promote and sell the vitamins. And then they would charge you for various incidentals to increase your traffic, none of which are guaranteed to get results. There was no thousand dollars just for selling 20 bottles of vitamins, because few of his members sold that many.How about the ones that claim they can drive traffic to your website so you too can make $5 million dollars a month, like XYZ.com (or any website they bring out of thin air)? Often, when you see claims like that, the named site may have no idea they are being used in a scam. Or else, it belongs to the same person trying to sell you search engine rankings. Basically all you will get is your name submitted to a list of search engines, with no guarantee of traffic. And even the biggest search engines, like Google & Yahoo, already tell you search engine submission is not necessary. So prevalent is the boom in these schemes that the FTC mounted a massive, worldwide sweep of Internet sites in coordination with other countries and organizations, to identify and charge, if possible, the organizers.For some good information on current and past scams, and how to spot or deal with them, visit these sites below:http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/03/rich.htm
Even just those two examples, barely scratch the surface. Even though it's cliche, remember this:
"If It's Too Good to be True...It Is."
Recommendations for Making Money Legitimately Online
Always, remember if you want to make money online, it's going to take some hard work and dedication. If you would like to learn more about starting a legitimate online business, claim your free Make Your Site Sell Ebook and Dr. Ken Evoy will walk you through the steps to building a legitimate online business.
But What if You Need Money Now?
Many people try to find income opportunities online because they need to earn money quickly. They don't really have the time to build a business or wait for results.
Other people just don't want to start an online business and don't feel their cut out for business ownership. That is completely understandable, and there plenty of legitimate ways to earn an income from home - you just have to make your own opportunities. For help finding legitimate and good paying work online, please read the article entitled But I Need to Make Money Now: How to Work from Home.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
"精彩之夜“ - Publicity On Full Swing
“精彩之夜” literally means "Night of Excellence". This district fellowship night of MAF of Sibu East District is set to gather the adult fellowshippers together for an evening of joy and praise!
Part of the publicity is to print posters for putting up in the 16 churches in Sibu East District. These freshly oven-baked posters are sponsored by brother Thomas Thien. Many thanks, Thomas!
Brother Leng Kieh volunteered to get the posters printed and send them out to the 16 churches.
If you have not made up your mind yet, I challenge you to set the evening aside for "Night of Excellence".
The committee met last night to finalise the details of "精彩之夜“。
Part of the publicity is to print posters for putting up in the 16 churches in Sibu East District. These freshly oven-baked posters are sponsored by brother Thomas Thien. Many thanks, Thomas!
Brother Leng Kieh volunteered to get the posters printed and send them out to the 16 churches.
If you have not made up your mind yet, I challenge you to set the evening aside for "Night of Excellence".
The committee met last night to finalise the details of "精彩之夜“。
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Coconut Chendol Special At Sibu Thompson Corner
Feeling bored on this warm Sunday afternoon, we decided to set out to Sibu Thompson Corner to laze away the time.
Located at Jalan Pedada (opposite SMK Sacred Heart), Sibu Thompson Corner is a popular eatery serving local delights. I can't name all as the list is pretty long. But one day if you have an urge to have a bowl of mouth-watering peanut soup (花生湯) to bring you back to the old days, then this is the place for you to indulge yourself in.
We ordered for coconut chendol special which is specialty of the specialties here. I recommend it to you for sampling.
Located at Jalan Pedada (opposite SMK Sacred Heart), Sibu Thompson Corner is a popular eatery serving local delights. I can't name all as the list is pretty long. But one day if you have an urge to have a bowl of mouth-watering peanut soup (花生湯) to bring you back to the old days, then this is the place for you to indulge yourself in.
We ordered for coconut chendol special which is specialty of the specialties here. I recommend it to you for sampling.
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