Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stephen Tong's Evangelistic Rally In Sibu (唐崇栄萬人佈道會) - Part 17

Pray with all urgency for Sibu churches of all denominations that in the weekly prayer sessions they offer prayers for the evangelistic rally. The power of prayer is far beyond our imagination. We are incapable, but God is all-powerful! In Him we trust, then all things are possible.

The above picture shows Stephen Tong Gospel Rally of Singapore 2008. The theme was "Who Is Jesus?".


Anonymous said...

Why Christians irritate fellow Christians ? These Christians are lying Christians because they do not practise what Jesus teaches them. Better if they just renounce Jesus. Stupid Christians. Almighty God is powerful. But this is earth and money god acts. Not just preach.

Tony Hii said...

I invite you to come to the rally to receive the Word of God. See you there, my friend!