The extended Masland Methodist Church. Photo: Daniel Chiew
This historical picture of The Masland Methodist Church is priceless. The publication of the invaluable work is again by courtesy of Philip Hii. When brother Tan Kee Hian (one of the speakers of the 9th Methodist Convention) e-mailed to me asking for some pictures of the original Masland Methodist Church, Philip Hii instantly flashed over my mind. Upon my request, Philip was obliging enough to help. Thank you, Philip, for your generosity.
From the humble wooden structure to the just-completed grand concrete church complex, the history bears wonderful testimony to the grace of our God!
As we worship in the extended church, we can't help singing out loud to our Lord, as the psalmist wrote in Psalm 84:1: How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!
The picture shows the grand interior of the extended Masland Methodist Church. Photo: Daniel Chiew.