Monday, July 2, 2007

Second International Borneo Tattoo Convention - Sayonara! Sibu, We Are Going To Miss You!

All good things must come to an end. The 2nd International Borneo Tattoo Convention concluded on July 1 with an applause to the organisers.

As the bustle of the event settles down, it is time now for us to reflect on it.

When the tattoo artists and tourists from far away depart Sibu, they bring along all the sweet memories of Sibu to cherish. They are now our living advertisements- their word of mouth would bring Sibu to a greater exposure.

They all gave thumbs up when asked about their experiences during their stay in Sibu. We love Sibu - its culture, nature, adventure, people and foods, all are fascinating, they told me.

These foreigners may have flown back, but the tattoos and memories they leave behind to Sibu are going to stay on for long, long time.

Tourism is just about making visitors feel like coming back again and again! Let's work on it.

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