Our strong technical back-up - The duo Terrence Tan and James Lau were spotted engrossing in their job.

Singspiration time - MAF of Zion Methodist Church led a wonderful sing-along session. (敬 拜 赞 美 - 锡 安 堂)

Welcoming address - I gave thanks to God for his love in congregating all the brothers and sisters in The Masland Methodist Church.

Quartet - MAF of Logos Methodist Church took the lead with a melodious quartet. (四 重 唱 : 哦! 耶 稣 是 我 救 主 )

Dance - MAF of The Masland Methodist Church came in with a graceful dance. (舞 蹈 : 耶 稣 恩 友 )

Group singing - MAF of Ai Ming Methodist Church sang into the air "Jesus loves you". (合唱 : 最知心的朋友 )

Drama - MAF of Sing Ang Tong Methodist Church presented "Good Neighbours" with a message of love and care for your neighbours.

Group singing - MAF of Wesley Methodist Church praised God with a melody.

Sermon - DS Rev Wong Koi Foh quoted 2 Timothy 4: 7-8 in his message.

Video sharing - MAF of Shiuan Dou Methodist Church called on our church members to love our environment.

MC - Pauline Lau was eloquent.

Solo - MAF of Tieng En Methodist Church presented a solo.

Drama - MAF of Zion Methodist Church staged a drama "Prodigal Son".

Song-dance - MAF of Peace Methodist Church gave a song-dance presentation.

Dance - MAF of Huai Ang Methodist church was innovative in the dance.

Dance - MAF of Shiuan En Methodist Church put in tremendous efforts to present a multiracial dance.

Harmonica solo by MAF of Selangau Preaching Point.

MAF of Wang Ming Methodist - They were more energetic than most of the younger groups.

A dance item by Tou Ang Methodist Church.

MAF of Wang Ming Methodist Church.

Dance - MAF of Shiuan En Methodist Church gave an eye-opening dance presentation. A big thumb up to them!

Dance- MAF of Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church danced gracefully to praise God.

The congregation.

Refreshment time at Hoover Square - Thank God for the fine weather!

The much-awaited Jing Cai Zhi Ye was called to a glorious start in the evening of Sept. 12 at The Masland Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. by the eloquent MCs.
Essentially Jing Cai Zhi Ye was a district-level fellowship night of MAF of Sibu East District. The gathering bore testimony to the wonderful love of our God. The turnout this time was simply overwhelming. God moved more brothers and sisters to congregate than we had asked for in our prayers.
"Be persistent in your upkeep of faith. Fight a good fight like Paul to win a crown of righteousness," DS Rev Wong Koi Foh called on the adult fellowshippers in his message.
Quoting 2 Timothy 4: 7-8, DS Rev Wong said that excellence is not just confined to this evening in your presentations. "It is a life-long race," he told the congregation.
The energetic adult fellowshippers staged marvellous shows to glorify God. They don't look like their ages - their versatility matches the junior groups. The stage shows last night gave a manifestation that they are still at their peak.
It was a smooth-running evening. There were some technical hiccups, but Terrence Tan and James Lau managed them well.
At 6:30 p.m., the sky turned cloudy and there was a light drizzle. It was worrisome for us. Praise Lord that towards 8:00 p.m., the sky was cleared for us to use Hoover Square (an open-space ground) for the light refreshments after gathering. God truly answered our prayers for a fine weather!
Jing Cai Zhi Ye touched me personally. We witnessed a very brotherly working relationship in organising the fellowship night. There was personal experience of the closeness of God in our serving together hand in hand.
See you in 2010!
Photos: Daniel