Thursday, August 6, 2009

The 9Th Methodist Convention - "Spreading Scriptural Holiness, Transforming The Nation" (Talk 2) - Part 7

Bishop Rev Dr. Hwa Yong further elaborated the reasons as to why Christians have been reluctant to get involved in politics. "Modernists and conservatists differ in their perceptions of the duty of Christians. As a consequence, a lot of Christians have forgetten about influencing the society," Bishop concluded.

Social reform and gospel spreading are equally important. In Malaysia, there is now a rising awareness of the importance of political involvement. "But as Christians, we should never neglect to spread gospel," Bishop reminded the audience.

Knowing the rising concern, we have got to be very sure as to why we should be concerned.

"Firstly, salvation includes all of life. Secondly, Christians are salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Thirdly, concepts like democracy, human rights and freedom are rooted in the gospel of Christ," Bishop explained.
Picture of The Masland Methodist Church taken in the twilight. The church shall hold a dedication service on August 16 to give glorification to God for the extension project. Photo: David Ling

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