Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The 9Th Methodist Convention - Spreading Scriptural Holiness, Transforming The Nation

The procession in progress. Photo: Wong Meng Lei
The Masland Methodist Church. Photo: Wong Meng Lei

The 9th Methodist Convention was called to a glorious start this morning in the presence of more than 1,300 church members.
Bishop Rev Dr. Hwa Yung in his opening message called on the church members to live out their lives following the Bible.
Bishop's point is pertinent and his message bears relevance to all christians. In short, we have to be practising christians in all aspects of our lives. All the participants of the convention have got to reflect on Bishop Rev Dr. Hwa Yung's preaching.
The theme of the convention is "Spreading Scriptural Holiness, Transforming The Nation". This is the theme of the General Conference for this Quadrennium and it is high time for us to focus on it. Bishop is going to take on the theme talks (1 & 2).
I will be on full-time basis tomorrow attending the convention.

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