Friday, April 9, 2010

Stephen Tong's Evangelistic Rally In Sibu (唐崇荣布道会)- Part 2

The news of Stephen Tong's Evangelistic Rally In Sibu came out in Sin Chew Daily yesterday. According to the press release, the evangelistic rally has been scheduled to be held on 10th and 12th of May at Sibu Town Square. The evening of May 11 has been set aside for Q&A during which audience may pose questions to Stephen Tong.

The evangelistic rally is jointly organised by Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International and Kuching Reformed Gospel Fellowship (古晋归正福音团契). Let us give them a big hand for the tremendous efforts to bring Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong to come to Sibu to let the words of God to speak through him.

The organiser plans to gather 30,000 Sibuians to turn out for the rally. It is truly a spiritual challenge! The organiser needs a lot of you to put hands together, especially in prayers.

It is compelling for all God-loving Christians to give their prayer support to the evangelistic rally. Make it your daily prayer item to call upon God to move more lost souls to step forward to the rally.

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