Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beijing Olympic 2008 - Malaysia Boleh!

We were in Meng Lei's office chatting over some aromatic Chinese tea when Beijing Games erupted into a hot topic. Gee, our weekly tea session was turned into an Olympic forum!

This was not at all surprising as the whole world now is thrilled by this superlative sports meet. If you have not yet partied along, then it is still not too late to tune in to CCTV channels 1, 2 & 7 to join in the excitement.

Then amidst talks and laughs, someone blurted out, "How likely it is for Malaysia to get onto the Olympic scoreboard?" This was an outright concern of a humble Malaysian who has our team in Beijing close to his heart.

Slim, someone murmured. "The only event to bank our hope on is badminton," another chipped in.

The inspirational slogan "Malaysia Boleh!" echoes loud and clear in my ears. But, looking at our dismal sports performance, we all can't help taking a relook at the chanting of it.

The essence of "Malaysia Boleh!" is certainly not intended for just showmanship. The core of the slogan is to inspire Malaysians to work towards achieving greater success in all fields, including sports.

But don't just stop there! We have to translate the spirit of it into concrete actions to put Malaysia on a firmer foothold!

Otherwise the slogan would be relegated to just say-say only!

Malaysia boleh!

Yahoo news: Yang Wei wins gold on night of 1000 errors!

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