Philip Wong is my long-time buddy. Way back in 80s, we were active in Sibu championing consumer rights. Philip is a developer now with his base in KL. Despite that, his heart is still tied with threads of passion for Sibu.
Melvin Goh is Business Editor of Eastern Times, a local English daily. Soft-spoken, Melvin Goh has his heart set on Sibu also, albeit in another way. He is currently on a project writing life story of a prominent entrepreneur in Sibu.
Melvin asked for my views on the subject which I obliged.
I grabbed the opportunity to share with them in greater detail "Sibu In The Blue Ocean". Sibu being close to Philip and relevant to Melvin (by virtue of his book -writing project) drew the three of us into a good moment of sharing.
Let's keep "Sibu In The Blue Ocean" moving!
The picture shows (left to right) Philip Wong, Melvin Goh and me.
Tony, that's the way to go. Am so encourated that the 3 of you are early prime-movers for changes in Sibu.
Philip and Melvin, keep going. Sibu needs people like you.
I really hope that more people from Sibu will write books and more will also write about Sibu. This will perpectuate our scholarly and other interests in the town. It will help Sibu to be known by the outside world.
Our archives and our libraries should be houses of knowledge for future generations.
Keep up the good work! Pray for more changes in the New Year!
Blessed Christmas.
I want to join Judy in thanking Tony for his unceasing effort in supporting "Sibu in the Blue Ocean" through his own blog and the MPI blog.
I also want to thank MPI for inviting me to speak at the first MPI Public Lecture, and encouraging me to share some motivational and challenging ideas for a future of Sibu that people who care about Sibu could aspire to.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.
May God Bless you.
Kee Hian
Note. Sibu is much more appealing as I write this, as London and the rest of Europe is in the middle of a major cold and snowy spell.
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