This is a new blog by a seasoned player in the blogsphere. wahahahaha is giving an aftershock effect following the election grants to the four Methodist churches before the polling of the recent P212 Sibu By-Election.
The posts in the blog have excessive twisting of words here and there without succinct touching on the core of the issue - election corrupt practice.
If you are Mandarin literate, you may read through with an open mind.
Showing posts with label P212 Sibu By Election 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P212 Sibu By Election 2010. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 17
I hope it is not too much for you to read. The fourth article goes like this:
5月26日 下午1点33分
前基督教联合会主席吴吉平批评4家诗巫卫理公会,在补选时接受政府175万拨款的言论,掀起教会的反弹,其中一个教会更反批吴吉平嚣张及自鸣清高。吴吉平也是公正党纪律委员会成员,他日前发表一篇《我们不接受这种钱》,呼吁诗巫的4所教会秉持基督教精神,拒绝国阵在诗巫补选期间派发的“糖果拨款”。经过部落格及网络媒体的广泛转载后,其中一家受惠教会的负责人挺身反击吴吉平的言论。质疑民联执政百姓受苦卫理公会新安堂执事会主席官佰永在一篇文告中指出,吴吉平不应如此嚣张,口出狂言,要教会把款项退回给政府。他质疑,若这是民联领袖的处事风范,未上台就如此,那天若有机会上台执政,老百姓岂不是要受尽苦头。“吴吉平身为一个教会领袖,尚未向教会了解真相,只凭自已的想像及猜测,就如此批判教会,攻击教会无良知。他这种自鸣清高成何体统? ”为登报道谢的举动辩护官佰永也是诗巫卫理福善社社长,他表示,教会是否可以接受政府的拨款见仁见智,但政府的钱绝对干净,因为这都是人民的税收所得,更何况教会都是以正常程序申请而获批准,没有涉及任何交易或附带条件。至于在领受了款项后在报章刊登致谢,官佰永辩称,这也完全符合信仰的教导,以体现感恩的行为。指补选拨款是上帝契机他也辩称,若因为补选而获得更多拨款,也可视为是上帝所赐的特别契机,过后再按教会需要,加几倍赐福教会,让教会恩上加恩。 “若因为政府拨款就该退还,那么许多基督徒的有功人士,因为受政府肯定推荐受封勋衍,是否也要退还?”“或教会所收的奉献款项,是否都要经过严格的审查,必须确定奉献者都是干净才可接收?”“有些基督徒因为靠关系及政商勾结,在赚钱后捐给教会,教会是否也当退回?这些人的标准该由谁来评价?”质疑吴吉平发言的身份官佰永强调,本身绝对认同吴吉平所说,即政府应建立良好制度给予各团体协助,拒绝拜票性的拨款。不过,他反呛吴吉平,在批评政府的同时,试问民联的政策是什么?他也质疑吴吉平是以哪一个身份发言。他说,若吴吉平是以前基督教联合会主席的身份发言,那就应该了解,一个领袖卸任之后,就不应再代表该组织发言。“否则他的言论不但不具代表性,也是对该组织现有领袖的不敬。”“若吴吉平是以公正党纪律委员会成员的身份发言,那其言论就更无意义,因他已被自己的政治思想及理念所影响,被自己的政治议程所渗透。更何况政治人物,包括该党精神领袖安华都不反对团体向政府要求拨款。”
5月26日 下午1点33分
前基督教联合会主席吴吉平批评4家诗巫卫理公会,在补选时接受政府175万拨款的言论,掀起教会的反弹,其中一个教会更反批吴吉平嚣张及自鸣清高。吴吉平也是公正党纪律委员会成员,他日前发表一篇《我们不接受这种钱》,呼吁诗巫的4所教会秉持基督教精神,拒绝国阵在诗巫补选期间派发的“糖果拨款”。经过部落格及网络媒体的广泛转载后,其中一家受惠教会的负责人挺身反击吴吉平的言论。质疑民联执政百姓受苦卫理公会新安堂执事会主席官佰永在一篇文告中指出,吴吉平不应如此嚣张,口出狂言,要教会把款项退回给政府。他质疑,若这是民联领袖的处事风范,未上台就如此,那天若有机会上台执政,老百姓岂不是要受尽苦头。“吴吉平身为一个教会领袖,尚未向教会了解真相,只凭自已的想像及猜测,就如此批判教会,攻击教会无良知。他这种自鸣清高成何体统? ”为登报道谢的举动辩护官佰永也是诗巫卫理福善社社长,他表示,教会是否可以接受政府的拨款见仁见智,但政府的钱绝对干净,因为这都是人民的税收所得,更何况教会都是以正常程序申请而获批准,没有涉及任何交易或附带条件。至于在领受了款项后在报章刊登致谢,官佰永辩称,这也完全符合信仰的教导,以体现感恩的行为。指补选拨款是上帝契机他也辩称,若因为补选而获得更多拨款,也可视为是上帝所赐的特别契机,过后再按教会需要,加几倍赐福教会,让教会恩上加恩。 “若因为政府拨款就该退还,那么许多基督徒的有功人士,因为受政府肯定推荐受封勋衍,是否也要退还?”“或教会所收的奉献款项,是否都要经过严格的审查,必须确定奉献者都是干净才可接收?”“有些基督徒因为靠关系及政商勾结,在赚钱后捐给教会,教会是否也当退回?这些人的标准该由谁来评价?”质疑吴吉平发言的身份官佰永强调,本身绝对认同吴吉平所说,即政府应建立良好制度给予各团体协助,拒绝拜票性的拨款。不过,他反呛吴吉平,在批评政府的同时,试问民联的政策是什么?他也质疑吴吉平是以哪一个身份发言。他说,若吴吉平是以前基督教联合会主席的身份发言,那就应该了解,一个领袖卸任之后,就不应再代表该组织发言。“否则他的言论不但不具代表性,也是对该组织现有领袖的不敬。”“若吴吉平是以公正党纪律委员会成员的身份发言,那其言论就更无意义,因他已被自己的政治思想及理念所影响,被自己的政治议程所渗透。更何况政治人物,包括该党精神领袖安华都不反对团体向政府要求拨款。”
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 16
This is the third article for you to read with an open mind!
求真 5月27日 2点05分
看了官佰永教会领袖的反驳吴吉平弟兄的呼吁后,我心里很为信仰的破裂难过,以下是我尝试综合补选、拨款与信仰的立场提出个人意见,希望更多教会领袖关注参与讨论:我们的信仰如何建立在基督耶稣的真理与基础上。根据《当今大马》新闻报导“教会拒退还诗巫“糖果拨款”反呛吴吉平嚣张且自鸣清高”,我特别节录这段比较触动我信仰思绪的谈话。“官佰永也辩称,若因为补选而获得更多拨款,也可视为是上帝所赐的特别契机,过后再按教会需要,加几倍赐福教会,让教会恩上加恩。” 基督徒们,上帝的恩典怎么可以是非不分,建立在别人的贫穷、落后与痛苦上的?就算是没有基督信仰的人,他们也会按着民主、公平、道德观念上衡量大选与补选应该不应该收受礼物与金钱。但是作为正信的基督徒,有十字架的恩典与真理的基督教会,公然把影响选民投票的金钱当着上帝所赐。做为当地教会与地方领袖(基督徒应该在属灵与世俗的责任上让人认识我们是跟随基督耶稣的门徒)竟然看不到收取了补选期间的金钱带来的效应?对许多知识与政治水平一般的人来说是可能拨款代表善政、代表政府体贴人民,这样可以让许多选民对投票有完全相反的认识。这一票可能就是因为教会有拨款而看不到,许多人的痛苦、水灾等等民生问题,而这原本就不应该在补选才大发热心的!当这位教会领袖借用安华也鼓励人民收取国阵的金钱与拨款来说明吴吉平弟兄嚣张,正好说明了,这位教会执事主席,根本分不清安华或民联要求民众接受国阵各种各样的金钱或物质,是要人民认清这些东西原本就属于人民的,别忘了,民联领袖呼吁人民在国阵领袖主动给予,不但要加倍的索取,还不要忘记把票投给能够为人民做事的民联或人民心目中真正为民服务的候选人。这里的意义是,当没有任何法律或执法单位命令国阵停止,在选举期间以金钱、物质等等来利诱人民的选票,民联领袖就必须教育人民选票是投给真正用心经营政治的人民领袖。作为教会领袖的官佰永弟兄,不可能没有属灵的眼光与耶稣基督的公义来看待,民主选举必须在公平、透明化与符合人民需求的最基本的公平平台。一旦教会在补选期间接受一笔的金钱,不管在什么用途都不会荣耀上帝,因为这样的举动有几个层面招致对自己教会牧者的羞辱。1.如果教会领袖非常肯定诗巫选区的5万4695选民都能够分辨接受国阵的礼物、拨款是与没有接受是没有分别的,那么教会在这时候接受国阵的拨款是否是基督教会的好见证?上帝要我们行公义、好怜悯存谦卑的心与上帝同行(弥6:8)。那些没有接到拨款的群众与没有投票资格的他们是否因此没有得到官弟兄说的上帝的所赐,还是国阵领袖这样做根本扭曲了选举应该以政策、辩论及实事求是的选举态度来公平竞争?2.如果教会认为在补选期间接受拨款没有影响选举公平,为什么不能在选举后才接受拨款?教会的举动是否已经失去做人民老板(选民决定候选议员命运)的尊严?作为地上的基督徒我们有比没有信仰的人更大的属灵透视力与社会责任感。就算我们有些人不能同意民联的政策或作风,也应该让人民可以公平、透明度的选出真正的人民代议士,这样的道理不可能教会领袖比其他人更不懂的。3.教会怎么解释耶稣说的怜悯人的人有福了,因为他们必蒙怜悯?到底教会该与(怜悯)更多没有得到基本照顾的诗巫人民同在,还是先领取拨款?在这补选期间,最重要的难道不是让人民充分的善用民主投票权来争取福利与国家(诗巫是国会选区)的政策能够平等对待全国人民?教会不是要教育人民做一个有尊严的人,做一个讨上帝喜悦有尊严有担当的人吗?教会不是要以圣经真理教导社区人民关于怎么让上帝国度行在地上如同天上吗?到底我们基督徒怎么思想,如果社区人民连基本的公共设施都不足,连西马的一般记者都洒泪当场。请问基督的教会如何形容上帝的国就在苦难的人民中间?拥有设备齐全及漂亮教堂的教会与信徒及领袖们,是否把握机会教育或帮助软弱的人民善用公民权利来争取现在中产阶级基督社群所拥有比基本人权更好的祝福?最后关于教会领袖退休后应该尊重现任领袖的说法,我个人不敢苟同。我们相信教会遴选领袖都必须经过迫切的祷告、信徒的见证、领袖的德行、教会连接祷告与信仰认知的接纳等等过程。因此教会领袖退休只是上帝兴起新的领袖,不表示过去的领袖就不能在信仰或属灵事工上给予教会劝告与提醒。我认为用一般世界的领袖任免来看待属灵领袖的看法是不符合圣经一贯教导,同时不懂得感恩上帝,因为那些在上帝面前为义而说话的神的仆人使女。政治认识方面,大家政见可能不尽相同,但是却不能对信仰的核心价值与感恩的对象有如此大的分歧。我想在信仰的认知上首先我们感恩的是上帝的创造、耶稣基督的救恩与圣灵的感动。在这拨款事情上教会所做的已经是理亏,怎么还先感恩予不尊重选民的国阵,这不是本末倒置吗?
求真 5月27日 2点05分
看了官佰永教会领袖的反驳吴吉平弟兄的呼吁后,我心里很为信仰的破裂难过,以下是我尝试综合补选、拨款与信仰的立场提出个人意见,希望更多教会领袖关注参与讨论:我们的信仰如何建立在基督耶稣的真理与基础上。根据《当今大马》新闻报导“教会拒退还诗巫“糖果拨款”反呛吴吉平嚣张且自鸣清高”,我特别节录这段比较触动我信仰思绪的谈话。“官佰永也辩称,若因为补选而获得更多拨款,也可视为是上帝所赐的特别契机,过后再按教会需要,加几倍赐福教会,让教会恩上加恩。” 基督徒们,上帝的恩典怎么可以是非不分,建立在别人的贫穷、落后与痛苦上的?就算是没有基督信仰的人,他们也会按着民主、公平、道德观念上衡量大选与补选应该不应该收受礼物与金钱。但是作为正信的基督徒,有十字架的恩典与真理的基督教会,公然把影响选民投票的金钱当着上帝所赐。做为当地教会与地方领袖(基督徒应该在属灵与世俗的责任上让人认识我们是跟随基督耶稣的门徒)竟然看不到收取了补选期间的金钱带来的效应?对许多知识与政治水平一般的人来说是可能拨款代表善政、代表政府体贴人民,这样可以让许多选民对投票有完全相反的认识。这一票可能就是因为教会有拨款而看不到,许多人的痛苦、水灾等等民生问题,而这原本就不应该在补选才大发热心的!当这位教会领袖借用安华也鼓励人民收取国阵的金钱与拨款来说明吴吉平弟兄嚣张,正好说明了,这位教会执事主席,根本分不清安华或民联要求民众接受国阵各种各样的金钱或物质,是要人民认清这些东西原本就属于人民的,别忘了,民联领袖呼吁人民在国阵领袖主动给予,不但要加倍的索取,还不要忘记把票投给能够为人民做事的民联或人民心目中真正为民服务的候选人。这里的意义是,当没有任何法律或执法单位命令国阵停止,在选举期间以金钱、物质等等来利诱人民的选票,民联领袖就必须教育人民选票是投给真正用心经营政治的人民领袖。作为教会领袖的官佰永弟兄,不可能没有属灵的眼光与耶稣基督的公义来看待,民主选举必须在公平、透明化与符合人民需求的最基本的公平平台。一旦教会在补选期间接受一笔的金钱,不管在什么用途都不会荣耀上帝,因为这样的举动有几个层面招致对自己教会牧者的羞辱。1.如果教会领袖非常肯定诗巫选区的5万4695选民都能够分辨接受国阵的礼物、拨款是与没有接受是没有分别的,那么教会在这时候接受国阵的拨款是否是基督教会的好见证?上帝要我们行公义、好怜悯存谦卑的心与上帝同行(弥6:8)。那些没有接到拨款的群众与没有投票资格的他们是否因此没有得到官弟兄说的上帝的所赐,还是国阵领袖这样做根本扭曲了选举应该以政策、辩论及实事求是的选举态度来公平竞争?2.如果教会认为在补选期间接受拨款没有影响选举公平,为什么不能在选举后才接受拨款?教会的举动是否已经失去做人民老板(选民决定候选议员命运)的尊严?作为地上的基督徒我们有比没有信仰的人更大的属灵透视力与社会责任感。就算我们有些人不能同意民联的政策或作风,也应该让人民可以公平、透明度的选出真正的人民代议士,这样的道理不可能教会领袖比其他人更不懂的。3.教会怎么解释耶稣说的怜悯人的人有福了,因为他们必蒙怜悯?到底教会该与(怜悯)更多没有得到基本照顾的诗巫人民同在,还是先领取拨款?在这补选期间,最重要的难道不是让人民充分的善用民主投票权来争取福利与国家(诗巫是国会选区)的政策能够平等对待全国人民?教会不是要教育人民做一个有尊严的人,做一个讨上帝喜悦有尊严有担当的人吗?教会不是要以圣经真理教导社区人民关于怎么让上帝国度行在地上如同天上吗?到底我们基督徒怎么思想,如果社区人民连基本的公共设施都不足,连西马的一般记者都洒泪当场。请问基督的教会如何形容上帝的国就在苦难的人民中间?拥有设备齐全及漂亮教堂的教会与信徒及领袖们,是否把握机会教育或帮助软弱的人民善用公民权利来争取现在中产阶级基督社群所拥有比基本人权更好的祝福?最后关于教会领袖退休后应该尊重现任领袖的说法,我个人不敢苟同。我们相信教会遴选领袖都必须经过迫切的祷告、信徒的见证、领袖的德行、教会连接祷告与信仰认知的接纳等等过程。因此教会领袖退休只是上帝兴起新的领袖,不表示过去的领袖就不能在信仰或属灵事工上给予教会劝告与提醒。我认为用一般世界的领袖任免来看待属灵领袖的看法是不符合圣经一贯教导,同时不懂得感恩上帝,因为那些在上帝面前为义而说话的神的仆人使女。政治认识方面,大家政见可能不尽相同,但是却不能对信仰的核心价值与感恩的对象有如此大的分歧。我想在信仰的认知上首先我们感恩的是上帝的创造、耶稣基督的救恩与圣灵的感动。在这拨款事情上教会所做的已经是理亏,怎么还先感恩予不尊重选民的国阵,这不是本末倒置吗?
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 15

Reproduced herebelow is the second article on the heated debate over the "election grants" to the four local churches. The reproduction is not intended to fan up the issue, but rather to provoke us into giving deeper thinking to the subject matter.
陈亚伦 5月27日 2点11分
The photo shows Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib waving to Sibu voters at Channel Road on May 13. Photo: Philip Hii
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 14

It was a hot, hot, hot by-election!
On the run-up to the balloting when the campaigning was tense, our Federal government gave out a sum of RM1.75 million as grants to four Methodist churches. This swirled up heated comments over the propriety in accepting.
Malaysiakini in the past two days carried some Mandarin articles on the subject. I reproduce herebelow the first one for your reading pleasure. If you are Mandarin-literate, keep your mind open and have a good time to read over.
读者特约5月25日傍晚 6点13分
原文:吴吉平,译者:何雪卿 姑勿论诗巫国会议席补选的结果如何,报导所述投票日前夕颁发一百七十五万马币“特别拨款” 给四个卫理公会的事,作为一个卫理公会的会友,我感到非常不安,我相信许多基督徒也与我有同感。当权的,无论任何政党,落到要在选举期间大抛“特殊拨款”给选区内各领域,博取选民支持以增加票数始终是令人困扰的。这种最后一分钟的努力,尝试让人以为是同情和关注某个特定群体选民的行为简直不诚实、虚伪和伪善。真有诚意的执政者会有一个既定的制度衡量问题和各个选民的需要,并有足够的预算,井然有序、透明、公平和有效地分配,并计划如何解决当地的问题。竞选活动进行时,大笔的公款能突然变出来供运用,人民的需要突然会引起当权者的特别关注令人匪夷所思。宗教群体,穆斯林或非穆斯林面对的困境、需求和须关注的问题是大家有目共睹的。若有诚意、公正并妥善地处理,它们不会成为选举的课题。同样道理,某个族群面对的困境或多年未解决的民生问题和威胁如水灾、道路情况等也就不会被提出来。因此,最后一分钟“选举糖果”和“特别拨款”意味着当局默认缺乏正确和诚实的规划和实施。除此之外,在投票日前夕提供“特殊拨款”给四个诗巫卫理教会尤其教我耿耿于怀。我是基督徒,更是卫理公会的会员,该宗派远在国家未独立之前已经在各个领域包括透过教育服务人民,尤其显著的是女性教育的推广,我的母亲就是其中一位受惠者。我感到很痛心,也十分关注针对这“特殊拨款”的言论。发言者不仅关心诗巫和马来西亚,也关心这令人哗然的一幕可能影响教会的良好声誉。以下是一些评论:Jin Chuah:令人担心的地方是一百七十五万马币的拨款分发给诗巫四间卫理教会可能造成尚未投票的基督徒不露面。陈:上帝在看着诗巫,但他对国阵的糖果无可奈何。阿邦阿迪:就像我昨晚说,上帝让钱给比下去了。而卫理公会领了这笔国阵的贿赂再次证明,比起钱,上帝算不得什么。你们这班民联家伙,你们只会等奇迹出现。那么,今天发生的奇迹是$$$$$$。金钱会说话,金钱会走动...。Fairplay Lee:所有的基督徒弟兄姐妹不要受骗,醒觉起来 投票支持正义和求圣灵引导。失望:联邦基金调拨一百七十五万至四教堂不是从国阵袋子拿出来的,它原本就是人民的钱。你们不要以为钱来得迟。投票前想想诗巫子民。 阿卡:圣诞老人把数以百万计的钱给教会,每个贫穷的伊班人只得六百令吉。下一轮也许每个伊班人可以获得六千令吉,每间教会六百令吉。不知道牧师们会不会因这百万的金钱败坏?Kumar. Pg:一百七十五万的贿金,基督徒是不是把宗教操守当掉给巫统了? 阿尼尔:如果你问我,我不认为诗巫教会应该在竞选期间接受这笔拨款,即使他们的追随者仍然可以自由投票,要知道这是贿选,无论是收买的一方和被收买的都要负责(虽然人们可以体谅那些迫切需要钱的人的状况)。但我不认为教会正处在这种水深火热中。他们蒙召要持守一个更高的标准,为他人树立榜样,拒绝任何形式的腐败。这样可以教训那些行贿的:有些东西金钱是买不到的。灯光投射之下无论是对是错,不分宗派,将会影响整个马来西亚的基督教会。马来西亚人都在注视着我们,或开声或静默,等着看我们在这种情况下怎么办。他们在等待一个明确的立场。这事发生在诗巫,但其后果会影响极其深远。它甚至不只是关乎基督教社区本身,而是影响我国的选举进行方式以及在选举期间,并甚至其它时候人民的言行。我谨呼吁在这次事件直接涉及的教会:如果这一切报道是错误的,根本没有发生这样的事,请站出来直言。如果这是真的,他们给了,你们也拿了,全数退回给他们。我们不接受这种钱。教会穷就穷吧(如教堂老鼠),但如《箴言》告诉我们,贫穷但快乐因为问心无愧。我也诚恳地呼吁所有马来西亚教会,通过马来西亚基督教协会(CFM):请让我们向国家和世界发出一个明确,不含糊和永不更改的信息。作为公民和纳税人,我们应有这权利实践和遵行我们的宗教信念,以和平和有秩序的方式,享有我们应该得到的合理资源分配。我们欢迎任何当政者,在恰当的时候以开明的态度与我们坐下来商讨,了解我们的宗教和我们这社群的需要,还有我们关切的崇拜场所、丧葬地点和马来文圣经问题,以及我们将如何继续透过社会关怀,服务全体有需要的马来西亚人。公平地提供我们应得的设施和资源,但请不要在补选前夕给我们“特别拨款”。我们不接受这种钱。不必了,谢谢你们,不要在这种情况下。不然的话,我们所发出给政府,无论是现任或将来的,无论是国阵或民联的信息,将是那以基督为名的教会将会在这样的情况下接受这种钱:“你们出价吧,我们可以收这样的拨款。我们鼓励参加竞选各造用金钱赢取选票,有出更高价的吗?”基督的教会向所有的人宣扬在一切事上维持基督的道德价值观和标准。基督信仰的标准既然这么崇高,教会就必须持守自己所标榜的标准。我们侍奉的是那复活的救 主,他降世在卑微的马房中,因为他的父母租不到一间旅店的房子。让我们忠于我们的呼召。来源:刊登于2010年5月17日)原著:We Don’t Take Such Money Writer: Goh Keat Peng译者:何雪卿注:受惠的四所卫理公会是:En Tao Methodist Church, RM500,000Tien Tao Methodist Church, RM500,000Sing Ang Tong Methodist Church RM400,000Hwai Ang Tong Methodist Church RM350
On the run-up to the balloting when the campaigning was tense, our Federal government gave out a sum of RM1.75 million as grants to four Methodist churches. This swirled up heated comments over the propriety in accepting.
Malaysiakini in the past two days carried some Mandarin articles on the subject. I reproduce herebelow the first one for your reading pleasure. If you are Mandarin-literate, keep your mind open and have a good time to read over.
读者特约5月25日傍晚 6点13分
原文:吴吉平,译者:何雪卿 姑勿论诗巫国会议席补选的结果如何,报导所述投票日前夕颁发一百七十五万马币“特别拨款” 给四个卫理公会的事,作为一个卫理公会的会友,我感到非常不安,我相信许多基督徒也与我有同感。当权的,无论任何政党,落到要在选举期间大抛“特殊拨款”给选区内各领域,博取选民支持以增加票数始终是令人困扰的。这种最后一分钟的努力,尝试让人以为是同情和关注某个特定群体选民的行为简直不诚实、虚伪和伪善。真有诚意的执政者会有一个既定的制度衡量问题和各个选民的需要,并有足够的预算,井然有序、透明、公平和有效地分配,并计划如何解决当地的问题。竞选活动进行时,大笔的公款能突然变出来供运用,人民的需要突然会引起当权者的特别关注令人匪夷所思。宗教群体,穆斯林或非穆斯林面对的困境、需求和须关注的问题是大家有目共睹的。若有诚意、公正并妥善地处理,它们不会成为选举的课题。同样道理,某个族群面对的困境或多年未解决的民生问题和威胁如水灾、道路情况等也就不会被提出来。因此,最后一分钟“选举糖果”和“特别拨款”意味着当局默认缺乏正确和诚实的规划和实施。除此之外,在投票日前夕提供“特殊拨款”给四个诗巫卫理教会尤其教我耿耿于怀。我是基督徒,更是卫理公会的会员,该宗派远在国家未独立之前已经在各个领域包括透过教育服务人民,尤其显著的是女性教育的推广,我的母亲就是其中一位受惠者。我感到很痛心,也十分关注针对这“特殊拨款”的言论。发言者不仅关心诗巫和马来西亚,也关心这令人哗然的一幕可能影响教会的良好声誉。以下是一些评论:Jin Chuah:令人担心的地方是一百七十五万马币的拨款分发给诗巫四间卫理教会可能造成尚未投票的基督徒不露面。陈:上帝在看着诗巫,但他对国阵的糖果无可奈何。阿邦阿迪:就像我昨晚说,上帝让钱给比下去了。而卫理公会领了这笔国阵的贿赂再次证明,比起钱,上帝算不得什么。你们这班民联家伙,你们只会等奇迹出现。那么,今天发生的奇迹是$$$$$$。金钱会说话,金钱会走动...。Fairplay Lee:所有的基督徒弟兄姐妹不要受骗,醒觉起来 投票支持正义和求圣灵引导。失望:联邦基金调拨一百七十五万至四教堂不是从国阵袋子拿出来的,它原本就是人民的钱。你们不要以为钱来得迟。投票前想想诗巫子民。 阿卡:圣诞老人把数以百万计的钱给教会,每个贫穷的伊班人只得六百令吉。下一轮也许每个伊班人可以获得六千令吉,每间教会六百令吉。不知道牧师们会不会因这百万的金钱败坏?Kumar. Pg:一百七十五万的贿金,基督徒是不是把宗教操守当掉给巫统了? 阿尼尔:如果你问我,我不认为诗巫教会应该在竞选期间接受这笔拨款,即使他们的追随者仍然可以自由投票,要知道这是贿选,无论是收买的一方和被收买的都要负责(虽然人们可以体谅那些迫切需要钱的人的状况)。但我不认为教会正处在这种水深火热中。他们蒙召要持守一个更高的标准,为他人树立榜样,拒绝任何形式的腐败。这样可以教训那些行贿的:有些东西金钱是买不到的。灯光投射之下无论是对是错,不分宗派,将会影响整个马来西亚的基督教会。马来西亚人都在注视着我们,或开声或静默,等着看我们在这种情况下怎么办。他们在等待一个明确的立场。这事发生在诗巫,但其后果会影响极其深远。它甚至不只是关乎基督教社区本身,而是影响我国的选举进行方式以及在选举期间,并甚至其它时候人民的言行。我谨呼吁在这次事件直接涉及的教会:如果这一切报道是错误的,根本没有发生这样的事,请站出来直言。如果这是真的,他们给了,你们也拿了,全数退回给他们。我们不接受这种钱。教会穷就穷吧(如教堂老鼠),但如《箴言》告诉我们,贫穷但快乐因为问心无愧。我也诚恳地呼吁所有马来西亚教会,通过马来西亚基督教协会(CFM):请让我们向国家和世界发出一个明确,不含糊和永不更改的信息。作为公民和纳税人,我们应有这权利实践和遵行我们的宗教信念,以和平和有秩序的方式,享有我们应该得到的合理资源分配。我们欢迎任何当政者,在恰当的时候以开明的态度与我们坐下来商讨,了解我们的宗教和我们这社群的需要,还有我们关切的崇拜场所、丧葬地点和马来文圣经问题,以及我们将如何继续透过社会关怀,服务全体有需要的马来西亚人。公平地提供我们应得的设施和资源,但请不要在补选前夕给我们“特别拨款”。我们不接受这种钱。不必了,谢谢你们,不要在这种情况下。不然的话,我们所发出给政府,无论是现任或将来的,无论是国阵或民联的信息,将是那以基督为名的教会将会在这样的情况下接受这种钱:“你们出价吧,我们可以收这样的拨款。我们鼓励参加竞选各造用金钱赢取选票,有出更高价的吗?”基督的教会向所有的人宣扬在一切事上维持基督的道德价值观和标准。基督信仰的标准既然这么崇高,教会就必须持守自己所标榜的标准。我们侍奉的是那复活的救 主,他降世在卑微的马房中,因为他的父母租不到一间旅店的房子。让我们忠于我们的呼召。来源:刊登于2010年5月17日)原著:We Don’t Take Such Money Writer: Goh Keat Peng译者:何雪卿注:受惠的四所卫理公会是:En Tao Methodist Church, RM500,000Tien Tao Methodist Church, RM500,000Sing Ang Tong Methodist Church RM400,000Hwai Ang Tong Methodist Church RM350
The photo shows Daro' Sri Ng Yen Yen campaigning for Robert Lau. Photo: Philip Hii
Friday, May 14, 2010
P212 Sibu By-Election - Part 13
Dato' Sri Ng Yen Yen, Minister of Tourism, took her afternoon off to meet the tourism industry players in Sibu.
Dato' Sri Ng is here to campaign for BN candidate in P212 Sibu by-electioon. She was frank in telling us that, seeing and sensing that the campaign is getting increasingly tough, she decided to extend her stay in Sibu to help out more.
The meet was aimed at getting feedback for the ministry to improve. To start off, Dato' Sri Ng made no secret about her age. At 65, she said she is more energetic than a lot of people who are more junior. She threw out a challenge to the players in this industry to be creative and innovative. Learn to dance and sing, and that is all about getting tourists in, she called on the players.
Be knowledgeable about what Malaysia has to offer to outsiders. Malaysia's tourist attractions are at her finger tips. "Know well to promote our goodies to foreigners," Dato' Sri Ng said.
The session then moved on to Q&A. Dato' Sri Ng took the feedback with ease. She promised to gear up some of the administrative aspects of the ministry.
Before we adjourned for high-tea, she asked for five minutes to campaign for Robert Lau.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 12

The dialogue session, held at RH Hotel, started off at 7:30am with a breakfast. It was all in a take-away lunch box with tea & coffee. The breakast was set in an informal way, making it easy for mingling around.
The turnout was more than anticipated. I learned that the seating arrangement was for 500. But the actual crowd eventually reached about 600. It was pretty encouraging.
The whole set-up was eye-opening for me. It was a simple theatre setting laid out in cluster style with the stage in the centre. One notable advantage of the setting is for the speaker/moderator to grasp a better control of the audience. It also enhances a feeling of closeness among the speaker/moderator and the participants.
Robert Lau moderated the session. As a whole, he discharged his job well in terms of timing and keeping within the limits. Right from the start, RL made it clear that the dialogue was closed-door, meaning the press was not permitted. This allowed a free flow of exchanges.
Our PM Dato' Seri Najib was tactful and diplomatic in taking a flood of views within a time frame of about two hours. He touched on about half of the issues raised, classified some as "within the purview of the state" and put the rest on "study list".
Generally speaking, PM had a good interaction with the audience. Some of his national policies were expounded with some humour chipped in to make the atmosphere light.
Before the session kicked off, some of the Federal ministers grabbed the time to interact with the participants. Home Affairs Minister Dato' Seri Hishammuddin and International Trade Deputy Minister Dato' Mukhriz were like political stars! Seeing participants queuing up to take photo with them, I joined in to have one with Mukhriz.
Our ministers did a good PR job this morning!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 11
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I spotted this good article in Malaysiainsider which is worth a read at this crucial run-up to the by-election.
Will Sibu make history? — Kim Quek
May 12, 2010
MAY 12 — Amidst the intense election campaigns of the Sibu parliamentary by-election, there is one way to help the beseeched electorate making a sound decision. And that is by asking the following question:
Which political coalition — Barisan Nasional (BN) or Pakatan Rakyat (PR) — is more likely to fulfil the wishes of the Sibu people, if given the chance to run the Federal government and the Sarawak state government?
The simple reason for asking the question is that only the Federal government has the power and resources, and to a lesser extent, the Sarawak state government, to solve their problems and fulfil their aspirations. And Sibu is now placed in the unique position to tip the political balance that may result in either one coalition assuming federal power come next general election, as will be explained later.
To begin, let us look at the problems Sibuans are facing. These are:
Perennial flooding, lack of basic infrastructures for the rural areas, deprivation of Customary Land Right, problems of land lease renewal, abject poverty and prolonged economic malaise that have caused the mass exodus of youth from their homeland.
Can a member of parliament, whoever he is, solve these problems? No way, not even the state government, as much of these can only be overcome through changes of national policies and utilisation of large sums of money that only the central government can provide.
Economy in bad shape
Take the sluggish economy. This is a national phenomenon. Sibu or even Sarawak cannot boom in a stagnant Malaysian economy, which has been in the doldrums for more than a decade.
The World Bank, in its recent economic report on Malaysia (dubbed “The Malaysian Economic Monitor”), described this phenomenon as “the middle-income trap” — unable to remain competitive as a low-cost producer, and yet incapable of moving up the economic ladder to a high-value economy, which is knowledge and innovation based.
As rightly pointed out by the World Bank, this is due to the collapse of private investment (foreign and local) which has been hovering around 10 per cent of GDP since the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis — a far cry from its pre-crisis height of 37 per cent. This stands in contrast to our regional neighbours which have rebounded healthily in private investment rate, leaving Malaysia as the laggard.
Malaysia’s loss of competitiveness is rooted in politics — the inevitable consequence of an increasingly corrupt and authoritarian government. The name of Malaysia has virtually disappeared from the radar screen of foreign investors, as none would be interested to invest in a country where rule of law is openly and unabashedly flouted, law-enforcing institutions reduced to political stooges, and the economy semi-paralysed by racist protectionism and cronyism.
Malaysia’s loss of grace with investors is most vividly illustrated in its massive capital flight — its 2008 FDI outflow of US$14.1 billion (RM45 million) exceeds its FDI inflow of US$8.1 billion by a whopping 70 per cent. Which other developing country in the world has such dubious distinction!?
Irresponsible squandering
Compounding this economic morass is the Barisan Nasional government’s atrocious financial management. Despite the country’s fabulous petroleum income — which now finances more than 40 per cent of the government’s annual recurring expenditure — the country has been running heavy budget deficits every year for the past 13 years.
Such recurring expenditure virtually exploded during Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s reign when it doubled within four years. And there is every indication that this trend will continue unabated despite promises to the contrary by Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
These hefty budget deficits are mainly caused by massive leakages through corrupt procurement practices and reckless spending for political expediency and personal gratifications, in addition to poor revenue collection from a lacklustre economy.
This huge income-expenditure gap is expected to widen in the days ahead as Petronas’ ability to foot the bill will decline in tandem with shrinking reserves and escalating costs.
With the federal treasury in such dire straits, the people of Sibu must take it with a bit of salt when BN leaders promise voluminous funds for infrastructure projects, including the flood-prevention scheme for Sibu, which will cost RM1 billion, according to Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Sarawak impoverished by corruption
In fact, the masses of Sarawak should not be suffering in its present state of poverty and neglect if not for the gross mismanagement by one of the most corrupt state governments in the country.
Blessed with abundant gas and oil, and owners of one of the richest rainforests of the world, Sarawakians should have been enjoying a standard of living second to none. But instead, the state now ranks among the poorest in Malaysia, thanks to the seemingly never-ending rule of Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud.
Disparagingly known as “Pek Moh” (white hair), this autocrat has during his 29 year-rule massively misappropriated the state’s timber wealth to himself, his family, political associates and business cronies, to the point that the once richest natural asset of the state is now near depletion.
In addition, his family’s financial empire under flagship CMS, which extends its interests to every aspect of the state’s economy, has virtually monopolized business opportunities offered by public spending through sweet-heart deals.
The cruellest cut of Taib’s corrupt rule is perhaps the marginalisation of the indigenous population spread over the far flung interior of this vast territory. In addition to suffering the destruction of the natural habitat upon which they depend for their livelihood (due to reckless logging), they have been forcibly removed from their ancestral land without proper compensation so as to make way for the big logging and plantation corporations favoured by the Taib-led government.
There is not the slightest doubt that Sarawakians would have been wealthier and the interior population living in more civilized conditions, if the state had not been subjected to such corrupt authoritarian rule, under which only the ruling elite and their cronies prosper.
Pakatan’s new politics
In sharp contrast to the aged and decadent rule of BN was the refreshingly new politics of Pakatan Rakyat which was swept into power over five key states in the Peninsula in the last general election. Pakatan’s administration was marked by transparency and accountability as exemplified by its no-nonsense public procurement policy through open tenders.
This new style of administration is attested to by none other than the Auditor General who in his last annual report has exceptionally commended the PR-controlled states for their prudent financial management.
This again stands in contrast with the BN-controlled federal and state governments which have been ritualistically chided in every annual AG report for umpteen years for widespread squandering, negligence and corruption over the spending of public funds.
That Pakatan Rakyat’s electoral success in the 2008 election was no fluke and its popularity has been growing is verified by the series of by-election victories won by Pakatan against overwhelming handicap of strongly pro-BN public institutions and completely one-sided mass media favouring BN.
The political tsunami swept in by the 2008 election has demonstrated beyond doubt that the people in Peninsula have woken up to the folly and deceit of the BN regime.
In fact, if not for BN’s monopolistic hold on Sabah and Sarawak, Pakatan would have captured Putrajaya, considering the fact that many BN members of parliament would have supported the new politics of Pakatan in a delicately balanced parliament.
Sibu accepting the challenge?
This is where Sibu can come in to play its historical role. A Pakatan win in a traditional BN fortress like Sibu would embolden the indigenous population to vote for change, as these impoverished people have been casting votes for BN in the past more out of fear than out of love.
Sibu could then trigger off a domino effect that would enable Pakatan to score significant electoral success in the imminent state elections — enough to cause the tsunami to also hit Sabah, thereby precipitating a change of regime and the ushering of a new era for the country come next general election.
Will Sibuans rise to the occasion to be the maker of history for a new Malaysia?
* Kim Quek is a frequent commentator of Malaysian politics.
Photo: Steve Ling
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 10



Scorching issues like Islamic State (回教國), theocracy (神權主義) and Allah have erupted into the blue sky of Sibu to the surprise of a lot of Sibuians.
The topics are fast becoming kopitiam talk. The local dailies took the issue up and made a full report of it.
Theocracy is very much an old dish. Warming it up is rather uninteresting! Further more, it is still an argument whether Malaysia is a secular or a theocratic state although DM, Pak Lah and Najib have all stated categorically that Malaysia is already an "Islamic state".
Getting the issue heated up may not work that fantastically well as it did ten years ago!
Photo: Meng Lei
Monday, May 10, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 9



The billboards are reflective of the themes of the respective fronts. The main thrust of BN is continuing developments for Sibu. PR is very much change-based, using the 5 (now 4) PR-controlled states as the highlights.
The election rallies are heating up. PR with its high-powered speakers from WM is crowd-pulling. BN, on the other hand, works through associations and grass-root levels to get the messages across.
Rumours are sweeping through the town. The whole Sibu town is now submerged in hot kopitiam talks. I made an effort to check my constituency on and was shocked to find that I have unknowingly joined the other voters of P212 Sibu in a mass migration to P211 Lanang. I felt quite helpless!
I still can't get over that I am not voting in this by-election!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 8


The Election Commission used Sibu Civic Centre as the nomination centre. I noted on my way to office this morning that road blocks and traffic diversions had started to pave way for the contesting political parties to put up big show of support. My wife was later caught in between the road closure and it took her almost half an hour to reach home.
Both BN and PR put up huge rallies on their way to the nomination centre. This was expected in view of the by-election getting increasingly tense. All the big guns of the two fronts have moved in to station in Sibu to take charge of the close fight.
The strategy of PR is very much change-centred. BN, on the other hand, appears to strategise on development and Sibu. Which one would likely appeal to the electorate more? The analysis would be interesting.
This by-election is a three-cornered fight. Narawi Haron, an independent, is very much just playing a "runner" role. He is destined to have his deposit forfeited.
Photo: Steve Ling
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 7
As expected, there was quite a fair bit of voicing out about the whole political system. It boiled down to a sharp question: A two-party system or a BN-concept system?
Cr. Robert Lau then expounded on his political aspirations and his views on BN-concept system. In his sharing, Cr. Robert Lau exhibited sincerity and deep commitment to serve rakyat and bring about desirable changes.
This by-election is very crucial. Let us stay rational and avoid acting hotheadedly!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 6

Some say Robert Lau Junior is a little bit green in politics. That may be true to certain extent, but let's look at his brighter side - he has all the zeal to serve rakyat and to make Sibu a better place.
BN is drumming up for support to ensure that the foothold is fortified. This fight is crucial in determining the timing for calling the next State Election for Sarawak and General Election for the whole nation.
Work hard, Robert Lau Junior!
The picture shows Robert Lau Junior at Special Olympics Sarawak State Games held in Sibu April 16-18. Photo: bengbeng
Monday, April 26, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 5
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I came to know about this politically-motivated blog from the comment she left in my blog.
This blog came at the right time when the by-election mood is running high in Sibu. Filling the air of Sibu now are the burning issues facing the local folks. Can we afford not to make a wise decision in casting our invaluable votes?
The blog name "B'U'Y Election (Sibu) " carries a metaphor. And the blog address is pretty catchy!
In this by-election, we have to keep our minds quite open.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 4
DAP Sarawak still keeps it high up the sleeve as to who is going to be fielded for P212 Sibu By-Election.
It is getting a little bit tricky here. Is DAP just playing a nerve-racking game or is it still tossing up? The political watchers' stretched necks are getting a bit strained.
Initially, YB Wong Ho Leng, David Wong and Alice Lau were hotly tipped off. But it appears that the dust is just not quite settled yet. Some brewing may still be going on.
Alice Lau is a greenhorn. If she is picked, then there might be internal buzzing that she is by-passing or even jumping the queue.
YB Wong Ho Leng is very much an old hand. In the forthcoming by-election, he stands taller than the other DAP's hopefuls in terms of winning. But Ho Leng is already an ADUN. If he takes up P212 again, he might instigate squabble, saying he is "going to buffet counter with two plates".
David Wong is a DAP loyalist. For the past 15 years, he has been labouring away for the party. Some say he deserves to be given the armor to stand for the party in the coming by-election. Further more, David Wong has been quite well received by Sibuians. I came to know David when he was the branch manager of a finance company. He used to send his guests to Premier Hotel.
The delay in naming DAP's candidate manifests that some kind of bickering may be going on over the choice.
It is getting a little bit tricky here. Is DAP just playing a nerve-racking game or is it still tossing up? The political watchers' stretched necks are getting a bit strained.
Initially, YB Wong Ho Leng, David Wong and Alice Lau were hotly tipped off. But it appears that the dust is just not quite settled yet. Some brewing may still be going on.
Alice Lau is a greenhorn. If she is picked, then there might be internal buzzing that she is by-passing or even jumping the queue.
YB Wong Ho Leng is very much an old hand. In the forthcoming by-election, he stands taller than the other DAP's hopefuls in terms of winning. But Ho Leng is already an ADUN. If he takes up P212 again, he might instigate squabble, saying he is "going to buffet counter with two plates".
David Wong is a DAP loyalist. For the past 15 years, he has been labouring away for the party. Some say he deserves to be given the armor to stand for the party in the coming by-election. Further more, David Wong has been quite well received by Sibuians. I came to know David when he was the branch manager of a finance company. He used to send his guests to Premier Hotel.
The delay in naming DAP's candidate manifests that some kind of bickering may be going on over the choice.
Monday, April 19, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 3
The opposition parties in Sarawak were formally consolidated yesterday in Sibu under the banner of PR Sarawak.
The twist of the event has now given rise to a two-front battle for P212 Sibu by-election. With the onset of this development, some bloody back-stabbing in the last General Election would be done without this time. To a certain ectent, the building up of this unifying force might jack up DAP's chance.
But, given the circumstances prevailing in Sarawak, a two-front call still sounds a bit aloof. A lot of Sarawakians, especially those in the rural areas, still hold themselves back when it comes to dancing to the tune of a two-front system.
P212 Sibu by-election is going to be the second time in Sarawak that sky-changing call is being put to test. The electorate in Sibu have to exercise a fair bit of mental work now!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 2

This by-election warfare is expected to be intense and explosive. As such, the momentum of it has started to gear up. The start-off appears to be at cyberspace. Facebook and, to a lesser degree now, blog are effective ways to reach out to the rakyat.
The technology has revolutionised campaigning work. The traditional modus operandi is still relevant, but without the aid of facebook or blog, you might be left behind.
Robert Lau Hui Yew is fast to utilise his facebook to the full to get across his political aspirations and views on the future of Sibu.
Sibu is now at the finishing end of the present developmental cycle, and it certainly has to move on. At this juncture, some burning issues are there to confront Sibuians : What would be our next developmental cycle? What is the future holding for us? Is there a way out for the Little Foochow?
This by-election gives the electorate a time to reflect on the pressing needs for Sibu.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
P.212 Sibu By-Election - Part 1

The air in Sibu is filled with the heat of the upcoming by-election. The fever is gripping the whole of Little Foochow now even though a date of it has not even been announced yet. When you stroll in the town, you start to feel the steam.
As hotly speculated, Junior Robert Lau (as popularly referred to now by the local folks) is almost confirmed to stand in the by-election under the banner of BN.
Junior Robert Lau is fast rising up in SUPP Sibu to be the second echelon in party leadership. If he sails through the BE, then we should see the ushering in of Robert Lau Hui Yew's era.
Junior Robert Lau should stand to benefit from the late Datuk Robert Lau syndrome. However, not to be discounted is the aftermath of the 308 political tsunami.
The legacy of the late Datuk Robert Lau leaves much for the electorate to reflect upon. What do they want now? A promise to change the sky or a politician with a pragmatic approach?
Sibuians have to make a choice now!
The second photo shows Junior Robert Lau at 'Sibu In The Blue Ocean", an open forum given by Mr. Tan Kee Hian held on November 2 last year at Kingwood Hotel. Junior Robert Lau subsequently penned an article to share his views on the outlook for Sibu.
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