MAF of Sibu East District reached out their caring hands to Rumah Seri Kenangan, an old folks' home at Mile 13.5 of Jalan Oya, this afternoon. This was our annual project aiming at sharing our love with the less fortunate group in our society.
Little as it might be, we did it honestly in the name of our God. As Matthew 25:31-46 spells it out clearly: I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of the brothers of mine, you did for me. Going together with us were Rev Jonah Tang, Peter Goh, Stephen Wong and the committee members.
It was a heartwarming session of singing out to God, praising Him and sharing. Peter Goh flung his fingers through guitar cords to come out with melodious music. Sia Yiik Ming led the session in dual language - Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia to suit the multi-racial audience.
Rev Jonah Tang shared the salvation of Jesus christ with the old folks. "Open up and receive Jesus Christ into your life," the speaker called on the audience.
The session ended with handing out gifts of love to the folk.
What is sad about people being put in centers or homes or a place is that the visitors visit them for a while and gone later. At least, we can feel less guilty knowing they have food, clothing and shelter, and everynow and then, some strangers come and visit them.
It is really so nice for you guys to care about the elders. I think it was a happy day for them.
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