Monday, June 29, 2009

The 9Th Methodist Convention - The Future Of Sarawak From A Christian Perspective - Part 16

In his summing -up, Kee Hian threw at the church leaders and members five key issues and questions for them to devote serious thinking to their role in relation to the future of Sarawak.

1. What are the "truths" on the economic and social developments of Sarawak?

2. Do we accept the values implied in the leadership/governance, political system and public policy management of the State? If not, what should we do?

3. The future outlook is clouded with uncertainties for the masses. Is "business-as-usual" a realistic option for the State?

4. What role could and should the Church and Christians take in the transformation of the State?

5. What specific actions and initiatives could the Church embark on to address current and future social issues?

Brother Tan Kee Hian had smartly left behind a good thinking space for the church leaders and members to critically think about the economic and social issues affecting the future of Sarawak.

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