Over and over, Sibuians have cried out loud to the authorities to take up this burning issue with a caring heart for the folks here. Seeing that a workable solution is still lying somewhere, Sibuians' frustration is now at a bursting stage.
The latest 137-million flood mitigation project to spread over a period of three years has been booed by the market generally. They may have overreacted, but that precisely shows the prevailing level of low confidence in Sibu now.
To the decision -makers : Roll up your trouser legs, wade in knee-high flood and cry together with the suffering Sibuians to understand the sentiment!
i cannot sleep. it is 0032. undecided whether i should start shifting the furniture up to a slightly higher level. :(
reluctant to wake up Mrs BB but the water is now at two cm from my living room. i cant shift the heavier furniture all by myself
We had a landslide opposite Grand Palace yesterday.
Check out William Ting's blog.
And it seems that Miri is facing flood too if the rain does not stop.
....Remember the Sunday School song?..the rain comes down and the flood comes up........and the house comes tumbling down.
Sad! Sad! If the persons in power have proved they cannot solve these perennial problems, stop looking at them for solution. If political barriers can be removed, I am sure thousands of ex-Sibuans will respond to sincere/urgent call to come back and help resuscitate this hometown of ours. Many including me will definitely use our expertise F.O.C. but for goodness sake do away the politics.
涨水问题也弄得我们泗里街人(特别是游子们)人心惶惶,因为听说很多去飞机场的路都涨了很高的水!我们都改道用Durian 的路去机场。
Do the suffering have to wait for the "right time" and the "right people" to be "released" from their pain?
Are the politicians saying that nothing can be done? We have been waiting for 45 years.
And at the end of the day we might just build houses on stilts again...we can then learn to live with low tide and high tide once more.
apparently no point for keep blaming the politicians, more blaming more excuses from them. As sarawakian we should union and work together to solve this problem but it seems difficult to achieve.....sad :(
Re. Sarawakiana's comment: Who first started building stiltless houses? We were quite comfortable with the floods in the old days as we were high and dry. Later, we built houses that were at least two feet from the ground, I guess...as we had to go up a few steps to get into the house.
My area isn't very much affected unlike two weeks ago when the drainage was blocked by sedimentation in the Sg Merah and Sg Seduan but I guess they've cleared the blockage. It was quite bad the other day when the other places were spared!
Ah ha@
STP - Silted houses were first built by the earliest settlers of Sarawak (Melanaus and Ibans).When population started to boom the younger generation filled up the lower part of the houses.
Then you know in the history of Sarawak people started to have two storied buildings (mark of prosperity).
This is the social history of build up architecture of Asia.
We need a grand plan for drainage.
Where is the DID?
bengbeng, I hope you have been alright.
sarawakiana, I guess Miri's flooding conditions are far better off than that of Sibu.
doctor heart, thank you for dropping by. You have a valid point which should be a food for thought for everybody.
WSP, thank you for your concern for Sibu.
sarawakiana, in all honesty, we have been getting too much lip -service.
JaN31, I believe Sibuians are just asking for accountability.
STP, sarawakiana, thank you for enlightening on the history of social changes.
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