Fasting is meant to teach a person patience and humility.
This year, Ramadhan started on Sept.1. As usual, this religious occasion gives the hoteliers a quieter short while when the Muslim travellers hold back their travelling schedules.
But Ramadhan is promising for Sibu as a whole. As a start, SMC came in with a much-awaited Ramadham Bazaar for the convenience of the Muslim community. This bazaar is essentially a food-fair where an array of Malay specialties are available for sale. It really provides an excellent opportunity for you to sample ethnic foods of Malay origin. Don't miss it if you happen to be in Sibu during Ramadhan.
A brainchild of SMC, it keeps the bazaar going every year, adding yet another attraction in Sibu.
The idea of setting up Ramadhan Bazaar is to enable Muslims to come for some quick picks of snacks for berbuka puasa (breaking fast). But it has now evolved into an all-Sibuians fair, attracting all races and making it a bustling scene in Ramadhan.
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