The medical report by Dr. Mohamad Osman Hamid (DMOH) from Hospital Pusrawi (HP) is decidedly a crucial factor now.
As stated in the report, DMOH found zero evidence of trace of sodomy.
To the utter dismay of the Malaysian public at large, the PDRM, MOH and HP have been beating round the bush, short of hitting the nail on the head.
PDRM: How did the report get divulged?
MOH: HP has to be answerable for the leakage!
HP: The divulgence has nothing to do with us!
But the core of it has been missed out: Is the P & C document a true report?
Up to now, all the authorities concerned have not refuted the authenticity of the report. Nor has DMOH's medical status been reasonably doubted.
In any subsequent legal proceedings, should there be, this supposedly P & C document is going to play a crucial role in casting reasonable doubt to the alleged charge. In any event, DMOH's report is timely to give a plus to PKR and DSAI in their stand, both politically and legally.
This saga is simply nerve-racking!
The people involve want to bring down Datuk Anwar because they know that they have done something very bad to him when they put him in jail. They are scared that if he comes into power, he will punish them. Many politicians do not have very clean records but nobody put them in jail. Therefore it is very wrong to make a scapegoat out of just one person.
Tony,I am on the verge of asking the ACA to investigate Proton's sale of M.V. Agusta, which it bought for 72 million Euro but sold for just 1 Euro. We all know that the unknown buyer who paid 1 Euro then sold M.V. Agusta for a total of 160 million Euro.
I really smell fish,a dead fish...
anonymous, what an ending story.
daniel, it is a stink. More than that, it has become a thorn in Malaysians' flesh!
this large scale larceny can only end with a total change in the nation's administration.
bengbeng, Malaysians really hope to breathe fresh air!
out of the tens of thousands of medical doctors in boleh, BN and UMNO should be able to find a few who will prepare a fake report for them.
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