The miles-long procession line was in conjunction with the state-level celebration of Prophet Muhammad's birthday. The particupants , no less than 10,000 in number, were drawn from the Islamic religious bodies, various government departments and schools from all over the state. Together they fascinated the spectators with religious and cultural chants, kompang, citation and music.
As the seemingly non-stop procession passed by, it struck me that blessed is Malaysia with such admirable degree of tolerance in religion and race. While racial groups in some other countries still get entangled in exchanging slurs and fists, here in Malaysia we exchange festive visits in harmony.
Racial harmony and religious tolerance are fruits of hard work by all Malaysians. Let's preserve them with brotherly love and mutual respect.
The picture shows Head of State Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Muhammad Salahuddin leading the procession.
While you saw all things beautiful, I have one sore eye. When everything was over and done, the town square compound next to three goat is strewn with rubbish; empty rice packets, papers, cups, plastic. Even the signboards and the wooden holder. The red carpet just left there like nobody's business. The rubbish bins all overflowed. Such a modern, western town square with the Disneyland castle and all the contemporary traditional design structure and all these are brought to shame by these scattering of the rubbish. The next Maulidur Rasul; have it in the big mosque compound. That way they will know how to clean it up. Memalukan.
Muhammad got his message from the Devil.
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