I am all for it, although red-packet collection has never tickled my enthusiasm, for a very simple reason: It is an extremely noble and environment-friendly pastime.
Red-packet enthusiasts are abound now. The zeal has driven them to source for the latest patterns available in the market. Don't be taken by surprise, therefore, to receive calls from long-time friends who are zealous collectors.
Yian's ex-colleague sought her favour for some newly released red packets. What a wonderful opportunity for Yian to be in touch with an old friend and help her out through this very noble pastime.
Little did I expect red packets to become such a sought after item in the market in a matter of a few years' time.
Ya. Some people have this for hobby. Too bad no ringgit inside.
Meeling, your mom could be one of the pioneers.
Anonymous, this pastime is enriching in many ways.
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