All Malaysians should gear up to the duo events to show our love for our country, irrespective of races.
As we drum up the celebrations and whilst the preparations are in full swing, issues of concern may slip our attention, easily.
When CPI (Corruptions Perceptions Index) 2006 was released, there was low profile coverage in the local media, with some even relegated the news to a miniature space. Probably a lot of us would not have noticed that Malaysia has dropped in rank, from the previous 39 to the just announced 44.
CPI is simply a corruption index published by TI (Transparency International) annually. The index shows the perceptions of TI of how corrupt a country is.
TI, a leading international non-governmental organization addressing corruption, was founded in Germany in 1993 with the objective to lead fight against corruption.
Worldwide TI has 100 national chapters of which one is in KL.
Today CPI is the most commonly used measures for corruption. You may dispute its accuracy, but the preceptions expressed by TI have been widely accepted as reasonbly fair.
Malaysia has been falling in ranking, from 33 in 2002 to the present 44. Although it may not mean that we have become more corrupted in absolute terms, however it does tell us vividly that we are now comparatively much worse off.
This alone is enough for us to wake up to reality and give serious thinking to our state of corruptions, whether you like it or not.
As we flag all over in preparation for National Day, we also call upon our leaders to address to the falling CPI ranking of our country.
The picture (by courtesy of Peter S.K. Chiew ARPS) shows a beautiful night scene of Sibu. Let's be concerned with what lies behind the scenic spots in our country.
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